tadi pagi jam sepuluh, maksud hati mau nonton Oprah di metrotv, ternyata kelupaan n baru sempet nonton pas udah mau habis… untung masi bisa liat bagian yang bagus… nah berikut ini adalah rangkuman yang berhasil dita tangkap dan cerna… (halagh…)
kalau minum multivitamin lebih baik dibelah 2, satu diminum pagi, 1 lagi malemnya, soalnya lebih dapat dicerna oleh tubuh, kalo gag terbuang saja…
lalu vitamin D baik bagi orang-orang yang tinggal di daerah yang kurang terkena cahaya matahari,
lalu kalsium baik untuk tubuh, cuman kalo minum harus dibarengi sama magnesium sebab, kalsium bikin konstipasi, sedang magnesium memperlancar buang air… trus..
DHA Omega 3 termasuk yang harus rutin diminum, sebab baik untuk kesehatan,
lalu, bila sudah 40 tahun keatas, baik minum 2 bayi aspirin setiap hari (baby aspirin, cuman sulit terjemahinnya) ingat, baby loh… bukan yg reguler… yg baby itu kandungannya separoh dari aspirin biasa…
nah berikut ini cuplikan kata-kata dr. Oz yang ada di oprah.com (versi lengkap)
The last category on Dr. Oz’s anti-aging checklist is vitamins.
There is a nationwide deficiency of Vitamin D. Researchers believe this nationwide deficiency could be a cause of many serious health problems,including autoimmune disease, Dr. Oz says. “We think it might be responsible for a lot of cancers in this country.”.
Another important supplement you should take is calcium. But for maximum absorption, you should take it with magnesium. Calcium builds strong bones and also helps to calm nerves, improve sleep, and regulate the heartbeat. This is best to take at night before going to bed, since calcium coats, soothes and relaxes the muscles.
Dr. Oz says the next vitamin on his list is often forgotten: DHA omega-3. Dr. Oz says a dose of DHA omega-3 is similar to fish oil but comes in a small pill form. “It comes from a source that we know is pretty clean and doesn’t give you the anti-coagulant problems that sometimes you run into with fish oil, so I think DHA omega 3s make a lot of sense,” Dr. Oz says. He recommends taking 600 milligrams a day.
Vitamin B is important for boosting cell metabolism. This vitamin can be found naturally through many leafy green vegetables, but Dr. Oz says a supplement may be necessary. “Most of us don’t get anything near what we need, in part because our food supply has changed and we’re not eating what we should eat. So taking vitamin B in a supplement makes sense.”
The last vitamin on Dr. Oz’s list is the all-important multivitamin. Dr. Oz says this vitamin should be cut in half so you have two doses. “If you divide the vitamin in half, then you stabilize your dose during the day. Take half in the morning, half in the evening.”
If you’re confused about which multivitamin is right for you depending on your age and sex, Dr. Oz says to keep it simple. “Everyone takes the basic same multivitamin with two small exceptions,” he says. Pre-menopausal women should take a multivitamin with iron in it and 5,000 units of vitamin A. Men and post-menopausal women can take a basic multivitamin with 2,500 units of vitamin A.
When taking your daily vitamins, Dr. Oz says to make sure to get plenty of fluids. “If you don’t like taking the pills, you can get liquid vitamins. They work as well. Find something that agrees with you that you can automatically make part of everyday life for you.”
Maybe you’ve been dealt a bad hand of genetics, but that doesn’t mean you can’t exchange a few cards, or at least change how you play them. When it comes to your body and longevity, here’s what we know: It’s less about what genes you have and more about how you treat them. So take the advice of America’s Doctor and you too can live a much longer, healthier life.